Photographer of artist in Mallorca

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Photo shoot for pianist and vocalist in mallorca 


Fotógrafo de músicos y artistas en Mallorca

.Pianist and vocalist in Dubai

The great dream of Julia, a pianist in Mallorca, is to be able to travel to Dubai and be a pianist in Dubai, surely she will achieve it seeing the talent of this girl, she does not lack passion.

In this photo session of the pianist at the Acapulco hotel in Palma de Mallorca I had the opportunity to meet her and for me it is a pride as a photographer of musicians to be able to photograph her.

Seeing Julia's dreams would encourage me to be her pianist and artists photographer in Dubai, so you always have to think and dream big

Focus Foto Estudio, fotógrafo de bodas en Mallorca  - fotografo-pianista-mallorca-40-ts20240825115021701080.jpg
Focus Foto Estudio, fotógrafo de bodas en Mallorca  - fotografo-pianista-mallorca-72-ts20240825115031221227.jpg
Focus Foto Estudio, fotógrafo de bodas en Mallorca  - fotografo-pianista-mallorca-17-ts20240825115044409135.jpg

My dream is to be a pianist in dubai.

I leave a small sample of this photo session of a pianist and vocalist.

By Miguel Angel Garrote 

Photographer of musicians in Mallorca

Pianist Photographer in Dubai

Pianists in Mallorca and Dubai

Singers in Mallorca

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